Textogether is a journey that began with a dream and withstood the challenge of time. In line with its Vision, Textogether has evolved as a people-centric organization led by a competent team of professionals giving us width, proficiency and capability to succeed. The company has embraced world-class fashion concepts, technologies and processes and have they implemented at all levels, in every unit and across all parameters of apparel manufacturing operations.
Textogether core values i.e. customer focus, meeting commitments, simplicity, teamwork and trust amongst people are engrained in each of the employees; this is what forms the edifice of Textogether and drives us to excel.
In an era of advanced textile technologies and new fashion techniques, we continuously strive for innovative developments and efficiency enhancements. Our dedication to quality and cost competitiveness has led us to several milestones and has invited accolades and prestigious certifications from our esteemed customers. It has helped us earn their unflinching support over the years. At Textogether, we believe that Change is Constant – the philosophy embodied is one of continuous improvement. Textogether is the preferred choice of many clients because of its reliability and commitment to cost, quality, lead-time, safety and understanding values of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibilities).
Our core values have not only shaped our destiny, but also have reposed our customers trust on us. We are not just serving for the world’s best products; we are creating relationships with the customers that are everlasting. We have a long tradition of serving our valued customers to their complete satisfaction through efficient management and excellent workmanship, which we continue to maintain with our untiring efforts.
As we look to the years ahead we renew our pledge to remain committed to excellence, keep abreast of changes and innovations, adopt better management and successfully overcome all challenges before us.
We welcome you to Textogether for your successful journey.
Riaj Uz Zaman